How To: Reset Windows 10 to Defaults (Remove All Programs and Files)

If you’ve got a nasty virus or you’re just looking for a fresh start on your computer, you may need to reset Windows 10 to the default settings and remove all of your old programs and files. Check out this video on how to reset Windows 10.



 Warning: Following these steps will completely remove all installed programs and files.

  1. Log into Windows with an Administrative user
  2. Click the Start Button  and click Settings 
  3. Locate and click Update & Security
  4. On the left, locate and select Recovery
  5. Click Get Started under the Reset this PC section
  6. You will be presented with two options. If you want to completely reset the computer, choose Remove everything.

  7. Choose an option on the Clean Drives screen. A good recommendation is to Remove the files and clean the drive.

  8. Lastly, click the Reset button to start the process. After it completes, you will be prompted to complete the setup of Windows 10.