How To: Gain Administrative Access to Redirected Folders

When using Redirected Folders, it is possible that network administrators may not have access to the user’s documents when their account is created. This can be problematic if you are trying to obtain old user data, or if you are using a backup service to protect these folders. Fortunately, there’s a simple way to leave the permissions intact while gaining access to the folder.

Note: These steps should be performed on the server hosting the Redirected Folders.

Download and Extract PSTools

  1. Navigate to
  2. Download the PsTools Zip File
  3. Extract the files to c:\pstools

Open a Command Prompt Running as “Local System”

  1. Click Start and Type CMD in the Start Search Window
  2. Right Click CMD and Run as Administrator
  3. In the Command Prompt window, enter the following command:
    psexec -s -i -d cmd.exe

Grant Permissions to BUILTIN\Administrators

  1. In the newly created CMD window, enter the following command:
    icacls C:\users\FolderRedirections /t /c /grant “BUILTIN\Administrators”:(OI)(CI)(F)

Note: Be sure to change the path to match the location of your Redirected Folders

You will now have access to all folders within the Folder Redirection root.